Author Archive admin

Loop antenna

Antena de bucle en tubería de cobre con condensador de vacío y bobina de acoplamiento toroidal.

Detalle de condensador de vacío y condensadores de cable coaxial

Detail of vacuum capacitor and condensers implemented using coaxial cable (most common coaxials have 100 pF/m!),

Antena de verano

Summer antenna

¡Bienvenidos! Esto empezó aquí.

This post was written only to record when this site was started. 2018-10-06, just after getting my EA4HCN Callsign. It has not been active for years, because of spam comments to posts, and to having more interesting (or urgent) things to do.

Until July 2024, when I had some time (and will) for undertaking the [nontrivial] task of renewing site’s SSL certificate and adding contents.